Car Park
The Community Centre car park is private land which is owned by the Parish Council and leased in its entirety to Coddington Community Association. The users of the Community Centre are the only people who have a right to park there.
The use of the car park for any other purpose continues with the agreement of the Trustees of the Community Centre.
The car park is managed by the Newark and Sherwood District Council (Civil Enforcement Off Street Places) Order. Failure to comply with the parking regulations may incur a penalty charge.
The Trustees of Coddington Community Association have agreed, until further notice, to permit parking without charge for parents and others delivering and collecting children to and from Coddington School on weekdays during term time between the hours of:
08:30 to 09:15 Morning Drop Off
11:30 to 12:30 Lunch Time Drop and Pick Up
14:45 and 15:30 Afternoon Pick Up
Due to the volume of traffic during these periods, it is the responsibility of all uses to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Max speed in the car park is 5 mph
2. Parking to be in designated parking spaces only. No parking on the double yellow lines for any reason.
3. Blue badges should be displayed when using a disabled space.
4. All people to conduct themselves in a responsible and courteous manner at all times.
5. Safety in car park is the responsibility of the adults present.
6. Centre Staff and Trustees must be treated with respect.
7. Be aware of Pedestrians and Cyclists when exiting the car park.
8. Car engines should be turned off while parked.
In the interest of safety, every effort will be made to provide facilities for the school drop off and collection.
Misuse of the car park or unsafe acts by will result in the continued use being reviewed by the Trustees.
Coddington Community Association reserve the right to close the car park or restrict access at any time when the Community Centre is not in use or for operational reasons.